Magical or Madness?
Ten half Ironmans in ten days – madness or magical?
My attraction to and my love affair with endurance sports began in 2009 but actually the dream of completing an Ironman event was born about thirty years ago. I come from a swimming background having swum competitively from the age of nine; swimming has always been my happy place. Cycling was something I did in primary school and I hated distance running.
So, on 10 December 2016 I plan to take on the toughest challenge in my life. I plan to complete 10 half Ironmans in 10 days. The idea has been around in my head for a while and when I shared it with John Gilchrist about four years ago, he branded me a nutter (yes you did John)!
I have been fascinated by the fact that our bodies are complex organisms that can adapt to any situation or task you place before it.
Coach Claire has allowed me to do my 1.9 km swims at Wynberg Girls Junior Swimming Pool and directly afterwards I will jump onto by bike and cycle in the direction of Cape Point and around the point and back to find 90 km. My half marathons will take place in the Wynberg/Constantia area provided I can find a flattish route.
If you have nothing better to do with your holiday and are not attending the MTD camp, please join me for some pain/pleasure, for it could be magical or madness.
P.S John Gilchrist you are now officially invited.